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Writer's picture: Dr. SotoDr. Soto

Production is steadily moving forward! Check out the video or keep reading for the content. You can subscribe to the Terra Dusa Academy Email list at the bottom of the page.

Chapter 1 Ready to view on the Curriculum Section of the Course Page!

Hi all!

This is Dr. Alina Soto, Naturopathic Physician, owner and founder of Terra Dusa-Holistic Mental Health and the Terra Dusa Academy for Integrative Growth.

I have some exciting updates about my new mini-course and a few things I'd like to share about the lessons in the 1st Chapter.

But first, I'd like to start with some gratitude. Thank you so much for all your support and being with me this far. I was legit shocked at how quickly the sign up list has grown, and thank you to those of you who saw the value and potential in my work before I had even finished the landing page. Way before I was ready for the pre-launch! All I had on there was a mini-description of my Academy and still you signed up!

It encouraged me to really sit down and fully dive into creating this course. It gave me the evidence necessary for me to realize that this course needs to be out there and shared.

Now, here we are at the PRE-Launch State for Unraveling Resistance, Break the Trauma Loop.

Guess what? Chapter 1 lessons are fully completed, fully uploaded, and the titles are visible in the curriculum section of the course page! For those of you who have already taken a sneak peak recently, you may have noticed that chapter 2 is one element away from completion. So you can BET the next completion video is coming in hot after this one.

You may notice that the 1st chapter has some interesting lesson titles, including one that may be familiar to you.

Why have I included surveys as part of the course experince? Because I care about progress and momentum forward. I've designed my own measure based off of common symptoms I noticed among my patients, that seemed to correlate with why they felt stuck or held back in the Trauma Loop.

There are 3 major categories I am focusing on and looking to collect data in. It's in the name of my survey the HHE, which stands for Higher Cognition, Hypervigilance, and Emotional Regulation and Resilience. Through my own clinical work, I realized that these 3 categories can be assessed and improved by teaching some core information and skills. Some of which are contained in my mini-course. These skills allowed my patients to step out of the Trauma Loop, at first for moments, then eventually all together.

This course is NOT only about helping you along your healing journey, but also helping me collect data that may be absolutely integral towards developing higher quality, more efficient mental health resources. I plan to use what I learn from the students taking the course, to develop future courses and strengthen the validity of FNPI as a momentum producing and pattern resolving approach.

I don't just believe change is possible, I know it. I have experinced it and I have watched the process unfold, right in front of me.

Getting excited for the full Launch?

Then click on the link in the description to visit the course page and check out the survey resources that you'll participate in as part of the course.

Feel free to share and spread the word to anyone you think may benefit or just wants to learn a different approach to mental health. Those of you already on the email list will be first to know updates on the goal timeline and the official launch date.

I will see you, in class.


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